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On November 14, 2004, the Milwaukee Public Library sponsored a panel discussion related to the traveling Frankenstein exhibit. The panelists were bioethicist Dr. Art Derse, Prof. Diane Hoeveler, author Bill Gagliani, with librarian Beverly DeWeese as moderator. Discussion on Mary Shelley's FRANKENSTEIN ranged from its feminist themes and horror tropes, questions of medical ethics, and the many film adaptations of the engrossing tale, along with various interpretations of the "monster" and its "creator," and the work's amazing continued relevance. (All photos by Janis Radziun)

The Frankenstein Panel convenes: (left to right) Author Bill Gagliani, Bioethicist Dr. Art Derse,
Librarian Beverly DeWeese, and Professor Diane Hoeveler

Author Bill Gagliani on the relevance of role reversal
(who is ultimately more "human" in FRANKENSTEIN?)

The discussion ranges widely

A spirited discussion that could have lasted several more hours!