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Professional connections:
Book Page
- monthly all-review magazine covers all of publishing; I've had
many reviews in BookPage and at
Dance - the oldest and best of the horror magazines! Some of
my book reviews appear in its pages every issue. Great book publisher,
The Chiaroscuro
- Bram Stoker Award winning site that combines fiction, poetry,
reviews, and art. My book reviews appear here monthly. Check out
the site, then join.
and Blood - one of the newest and best new voices in magazine
horror. Yup, I've got some reviews here, too!
- markets, articles, reviews, and more.
Horror Writer's
Association (HWA) - the best way for a horror writer to mingle
with his or her peers, both on-line and in person. I've been a member
since 1991 and have met many fantastic writers and fellow horror
fans over the years. The HWA presents the annual Bram Stoker Awards
at its Stoker weekend in June.
Books - my publisher, without whom...
Redbird Studio - Milwaukee's premier independent writing program, expertly helmed by Judy Bridges.
Other connections:
Fiction News network (HFNN) excellent Horror and dark
fantasy news source.
Horror World
excellent source of horror fiction, nonfiction, and news.
SciFi Horizons
reviews and interviews with SF and Horror authors.
Tales legendary Chicago reading series and small press
of Wicked Writers ezine, print zine, and anthology publishers,
also a Horror community on the Web.
Emporium - Werewolf Novels
Bookstore - the best place to buy horror on-line, bar none,
run by Matt Schwartz.
Midnighters Club - publisher of the acclaimed anthology and
home of writer and editor Ron Horsley.
Lone Wolf
Publications - the publishing empire of writer, editor, and
publisher Brian A. Hopkins.
Lulu - digital
content, POD; publisher of The Black Spiral, Wicked Karnival,
and The Wicked Karnival Halloween Special.
- all horror, all the time!
- (used to be free) web hosting for writers.
Marketplace - professional writers' pages and Publishers Lunch. -
markets, markets, and markets! And more.
Gila Queen -
the first, greatest and best market source!
Writers and Friends:
[Please feel free to submit a new link or update an old one!]
Alexander - author of dark poetry and tales, and numerous scripts.
Mike Arnzen
- author of Stoker Award-winning Grave Markings, as well
as 100 Jolts and Play Dead; poet, teacher, and creator
of the Stoker-winning Goreletter
Benson - author of Sweetie's Diamonds, Face Blind,
Evil Hours, and six original James Bond novels including
The Man with the Red Tattoo
Elaine Bergstrom - author of the Austra vampire series (Shattered
Glass, Daughter of the Night, Nocturne), as well as Mina,
The Door Through Washington Square, Madeline, and
many others. Also heart and soul of a long-running Milwaukee-area
novel workshop.
P. Blaylock - author of The Paper Grail, All the Bells on
Earth, The Last Coin, The Digging Leviathan, Homunculus, Lord Kelvin's
Machine, and many other superb
fantasy novels.
Robert Bloch - author of Psycho ... Who needs to
say more?
Jay Bonansinga
- Jay's incredible thrillers include The Black Mariah, Sick,
The Killer's Game, Head Case, The Sleep Police, and Oblivion
need I say more? And he's a helluva nice guy, too.
A. Braunbeck - when you get to one of Gary's stories in an anthology,
you know you've just found the soul of the collection... one of
the best at packing a punch in a few pages, and a great friend.
His novel, The Indifference of Heaven (In Silent Graves),
is a classic. Also author of Keepers and In the Midnight
Broaddus - author of Strange Fruit.
Ed Bryant - author, editor, writer, critic extraordinaire.
- superb artist and illustrator.
Douglas Clegg
- author of The Halloween Man, You Come When I Call You, The
Hour Before Dark, The Infinite, The Priest of Blood,
Mordred, and many more.
Matt Costello - author of Darkborn, Beneath Still Waters,
The 7th Guest, Homecoming, Unidentified, Missing Monday,
and many more.
Dansky - author of White Wolf's Trilogy of the Second Age, as
well as innumerable game-related books and stories.
Dean - author of Destiny's Call.
Charles de Lint - the king of urban fantasy! Check out Moonheart,
Greenmantle, Trader, and Mulengro just to start.
Bradley Denton - Blackburn. Read it or else. Nuff
said. (Well, read Lunatics and One Day Closer to Death,
too.) Also author of Laughin' Boy.
Philip K. Dick - What is real? What is human? Read anything
by Dick and be blown away.
Harlan Ellison - Stephen King and Ellison pointed the way
(for me). Start with The Deathbird Stories.
John Everson
- co-editor of Spooks!, author of Vigilantes of Love,
the Stoker Award-winning novel Covenant, and the upcoming
Ray Garton - read anything by this master of visceral horror.
But read Live Girls first.
Giron - fine short story writer and author of House of Pain,
Borrowed Flesh, Mistress of the Dark and The Birds and the
J.F. Gonzalez
- author of Maternal Instinct, Shapeshifter, The Beloved,
and Survivor.
Ed Gorman - author of many mysteries, thrillers and Westerns,
including the Sam McCain "Music" and Robert Payne "Moon"
Grant - one of the Greats! The master of atmosphere...
Jamie Hall
- author of Half Human, Half Animal: Tales of Werewolves and
Related Creatures and its upcoming Volume 2.
John C. Hay
- author of horror tales such as "Take, Eat."
Alice Henderson
- author of Insatiable and Night Terrors.
Jack Higgins - WW2 and IRA thriller writer supreme! Read
A Prayer for the Dying, The Eagle Has Landed, or anything
in between (by any of his six pseudonyms).
Brian Hodge
- the man writes short fiction that plants a lead-gloved fist between
your eyes. Author of Wild Horses and The Darker Saints.
Brian A. Hopkins
- author, editor, publisher, multiple Bram Stoker Award winner --
Brian's done it all! Author of The Licking Valley Coon Hunters
Club and El Dia de los Muertos, and editor of the Extremes
series of multimedia CD-ROM anthologies.
Gerard Houarner
- author of Painfreak, The Beast That Was Max, and The Road
to Hell.
Marcy Italiano
- author of Pain Machine.
Tina Jens
- Author of The Blues Ain't Nothin and editor of the Twilight
Tales anthologies.
Jonas - author of One Way Ticket to Midnight and the
outrageous Hitman short stories, and the movie Weapon of Choice.
Jack Ketchum
- Hard-hitting author of The Girl Next Door, Off Season, Right
to Life, The Lost, and Peaceable Kingdom, all of them
Stephen King
- the reason I write in this field. Period.
Don Kinney - friend, Web-man, and music-lover! Still waiting
for that novel, bro.
J.A. Konrath
- author of Whiskey Sour, first installment of the Jack Daniels
mysteries, Bloody Mary, and the upcoming Rusty Nail.
Michael Laimo
- author of Atmosphere, Deep in the Darkness, Sleepwalker,
and The Demonologist.
Joe R. Lansdale
- mystery and horror writer, creator of the Hap and Leonard series.
One of the best!
Laymon - greatly missed friend and inspiration. Another reason
I write in this field.
Tim Lebbon
- author of Dead Man's Hand, Berserk, and Dusk.
LeBlanc - author of Family Inheritance and Grave Intent.
Lee - author of Goon, The Bighead, Succubi, City Infernal,
Monstrosity, and more hard-as-nails classics.
Lisa Mannetti's Chancery
R. McCammon - some of his early works influenced my interests
greatly: The Wolf's Hour, Gone South, Usher's Passing, The Night
James A. Moore
- author of Fireworks, Under the Overtree, Serenity Falls,
and Blood Red.
David Morrell
- author of many fine thrillers, including Testament, The Totem,
First Blood, and Creepers.
Sue Mosiman - author of the Vampire Nations series, as well
as Final Cut and Dark Matter.
Peck - writer, fellow critic, and co-editor of Personal Demons,
Tooth & Claw
anthologies, and Small Bites.
Tom Piccirilli
- author of the amazing Hexes, The Night Class, A Choir of Ill
Children, Grave Men, Fuckin' Lie Down Already, November Mourns,
and more.
Brian Pinkerton
- Author of Abducted and Vengeance.
Tim Powers - author of the classic novels The Anubis
Gates, On Stranger Tides, Last Call, Expiration Date, Earthquake
Weather, Declare, and many others.
Mark Rainey - Editor of the legendary Deathrealms magazine and
a fine author in his own right.
Judi Rohrig
- fine short story writer and editor of Hellnotes.
Joel Ross - fine short story writer and author of Eye
for an Eye.
Larry Santoro
- fine short story writer and stage/audio director.
J. Schow - another master of visceral horror (Black Leather
Required, The Kill Riff, Bullets Of Rain; check out his site
for an excellent noir "family tree," among other interesting
Harry Shannon
- author of Night of the Beast, Night of the Werewolf, Memorial
Day, and Eye of the Burning Man.
Michael Slade
- Ghoul, Headhunter, Bed of Nails, Swastika, and so
many more!
Smith - editor of the Monsters from Memphis anthologies
and author of The Guardian.
Snyder - fine short story writer, author of Blood Magic.
Peter Straub
- Ghost Story, Floating Dragon, Shadowland, Mr. X, lost
boy lost girl, In the Night Room, The Talisman
and Black House.
Tamara Thorne
- author of Bad Things, Candle Bay, Thunder Road, Moonfall, Infinity,
and The Sorority Trilogy, among others. No one does naughty
humor like Tamara!
Treagus - reviewer and author of Building a Better Monster
and Primeval Fear: The Elements of Classic Horror.
Edo van Belkom
- editor (Be Afraid! and Be Very Afraid!) and author
of Scream Queen, Martyrs, Wolf Pack, and a million
short stories!
Karl Edward Wagner - author and editor, now sadly departed
-- an inspiration in many ways.
Robert W.
Walker - author of the Instinct and Edge series, the
sizzling Fire & Flesh, and City for Ransom.
Deena Warner
- one of the best cover artists working, and an amazing web designer,
too (this site is her work!)... proves that a chance meeting at
World Horror can lead to a great working relationship!
Warner - columnist and author of The Organ Donor and
Death Sentences, both of which pack a tremendous punch.
Weber - author of Protocol-17 and editor of The Black
Spiral: Twisted Tales of Terror.
Bob Weinberg
- editor of hundreds of anthologies, and author of many fine horror
and fantasy novels along with the new collection The Occult Detective.
F. Paul
Wilson - The Tomb, The Keep, and Repairman Jack. Nuff
Steve Witt
- interviewer and publisher of SciFi Horizons.
Other sites of interest:
Gareth Glynn Ash -
Gareth's a great concert and general photographer! Be sure to check out his work.
Coscarelli - Influential film director and screenwriter of "Phantasm"
and "Bubba Ho-Tep" fame
Violent World of Parker - Donald Westlake writing as Richard
Press - for First Amendment absolutists
- the Alternate History site
- Science Fiction Writers of Earth
The Edgar Allan
Poe Society
- unofficial Tim Powers fan site
- unofficial Tim Powers fan site
- unofficial Tim Powers fan site
- unofficial Tim Powers fan site
- home of Danielle Bedics, talented photographer, designer, and
Musical influences and musicians:
- John Barry's James Bond soundtracks
- Tangerine Dream
- ELP, prog-rock's original power trio
- rock, jazz, ragtime, classical -- he does it all on piano and
Hammond B-3
- his distinctive voice made ELP a household name
- the most melodic drummer I've ever heard
- the Official Alan Parsons site
- new musical based on the life of E.A. Poe, created by the lyrical
genius of the Alan Parsons Project
- Rick Wakeman, Yes's greatest keyboard wizard
- everything Yes-related you might need
- the best American progressive rock band!
- whether led by Fish or Hogarth, the thinking-man's prog-rock
- The Perception of Fish, a talented solo artist after leading Marillion
for years
- informative Genesis site
- unofficial Tony Banks site
- ex-Genesis, one of the world's most expressive guitarists
- the best of the neo-progressive movement
- among the best of the neo-prog acts
- king of the historical ballad
- Deep Purple and Rainbow guitarist's mellower, Renaissance side
- Larry Fast, pioneer synthesist
- talented synthesist and Hackett collaborator
Some of prog-rock's greatest instruments:
- the one, the only
one of the great legacies of the late
Dr. Robert Moog.
- who needs a sampler? These are the real sounds!
- another Mellotron source
- excellent Mellotron simulation
- if you love synthesizers and their history
Magazines and music sources:
- Gary Hill's prog (lots of Yes) and metal site
- the best way to buy prog-rock
- the best way to read about prog
- Gibraltar Encyclopedia of Progressive Rock